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Offline vs. Online business

The world of business has changed dramatically over the last 25 years. Thru the internet, it is now possible to reach out millions and billions of customers worldwide! Just thru a website! Kids and very young people with an open mind, creativity and the right ideas are now becoming multi millionaires and billionaires, while they are living at “mamas” house. Thru an online business, it is now also possible to live a far more free life, than most entrepreneurs of the past. Why? Well, an online business is not really bound to a “physical” place! When there is a war, natural disaster or local depression, you couldn’t just put your “factory” in your suitcase and moving into a safer zone. But the “digital nomads” do exactly that! They just take their Laptop and go! Furthermore, to found an online business can be really “cheap” comparing to found a company of “the old fashion”.  In most cases, you don’t even need real employee or offices and therefore you can save money big time! Specifically when you sell “virtual” products, you almost just need a website! Then you are really, what I call a “freelancer”. A person who makes (big) money, regardless of whether if she is sleeping, eating, on a trip, or just taking care of the loved ones. This is the Business of the 21st Century! With the right preparations, it is possible to set up an online business in such a way that:


  • You aren’t bound to any location!
  • You don’t need employee!
  • You don’t need physical offices!
  • You can create multiply sources of passive income!
  • You can make millions every year, just thru your website!
  • You pay “0%” taxes!


And in this very book, I will show you how to do exactly that!


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